
Shade Bio

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Dreading Journey: Two (2) Years with Dreadlocks (PICTURES)

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Hello Otherbeasts! So, wow. Here we are and it's been two (2) years since I've had Dreadlocks. It was my Two Year Dreadiversary back in July but I was so busy I had to put it off until now; I'm so sorry for the delay, my lovely Beasties. So, without further ado, I give you:

Two Years with Dreadlocks

Yes, yes, ah my, how they grow up. Now granted they're only 2 years old... and what have we learned about dreads? That they take closer to 3 years to mature (at the very least). I'm sure you're more interested in the pictures, so I'll let those speak for themselves... with little editorials by Yours Truly of course.

Fun Fact: I started out two years ago with 64 dreadlocks... two years later I have 62. I lost two somewhere. (Thanks to Ratty for asking this question.)

Remember how I talked a while ago about my dreads being a signal of change, they were a commitment for my health, etc? Remember? Okay, well, two years ago when I put my dreadlocks in I was at a very unhealthy weight (200 lbs for my 5'6" frame). Well today, two years later and I'm a healthy 118 lbs. "How do you know you're healthy, Shade, you're just going by your weight... that's not very indicative." Okay, Doubting Thomas, I also just had an entire blood panel run, cholesterol levels all perfect across the board. Hormones? Another A+. Lipids and all that other junk? Awesome. Blood Pressure? 117/77 with a resting pulse at 56. Boo-ya-ka-sha.

All right, on with the show.

 So, here you can see that my dreads are exactly that... dreadlocks. I still have a lot of fuzzy bits (the cycles, they keep coming around) but for the most part they stay well behaved.

 Just a different angle, you can still see the unintentional ombre job from my old dye growing out.

You can see I've gained back a little length... okay, a lot of length.

A lot of my dreads are still very quirky and do their own thing... and you can see I still have paintbrush tips even after two years.

See the two dreads I'm holding away from my face? That was my Big Fatty... that dread got way too big and so I combed it out and split into two... as you can see I have two baby dreads again. Awww... and damn it!

Okay, so this might be a new favorite, I don't get to see myself from the back very often... I love them minus my bald spot!

The wind was blowing, you can see my locks are still light enough to be moved a bit... although they look a bit funny and my ear is sticking out, boo hiss.


A view from the underside. Because how often do you get to see that part? You can see all my little loose strands that don't want to assimilate.

Just a length shot.

 So that's me and my dreads...
My Latest Complaint? Stray Hair That Doesn't Dread in Anywhere!

It will be written about.

Okay Otherbeasts, well that's two years of dreadlocks right there. Wanna see something cool? Okay.

I've started making dreadlock cuffs and beads because, well, who knows dreads better than a fellow dreadhead? I thought I'd give my creativity a shot in this direction. Check out my shop on Etsy for more like this and many other unique ones!

My Etsy Shop (Wings and Things by D&D Studios) is full of Handmade Dreadlock Beads and Cuffs! 
Made by - Yours Truly - by a Dreadie, for Dreadies. <3

 Until Next Time,
<3 Shade

See My Other Blog Posts About Dreadlocks:

  •  Two Years with Dreadlocks (PICTURES)


  1. Congratulations on your long journey. You have done so well. I hope you continue to live a long, healthy, wonderful life!

  2. WOW, find your posts so inspiring and helpful. Your dreads look incredible - serious Kudos!

    Can't believe how amazing they look and whenever I need a little reminder that everything will be okay with my dreads in the end - I'm coming here!

    Emily x

  3. The comment above pretty much sums up my feelings! I'm a mere 4 months into my dread journey... some days it's very discouraging.

    However reading blogs and such from people like you help remind me there are many others out there like me and keeps me going! I'm also on the beginning journey to bettering my health. I wouldn't consider myself overweight, (5 ft 1 in and 115 lbs... I'm best at 107ish), but certainly out of shape and not very healthy. Yet again I am on my way!

    To wrap up my babbling, I just wanted to say you inspire me to not only continue my dread journey but also in bettering myself in health and as a living being.

    I also looked at your before and now photos and you and your dreads look fantastic!

    Happy dreading :)

  4. I have a question. This hairstyle comes from a long history qnd heritage of certain black cultures and ethnicities. That being said, why do you only have pictures of white people on your page?

    1. Hello there! Perhaps I can help clarify this; if you had taken more than just a cursory glance at my blog you would have seen that this particular blog entry is about my own personal dreadlocks, therefore the pictures are of myself - I am half Caucasian and half Hispanic - so there are no pictures of "white people" on this blog entry as I myself am a mixed baby. I encourage you to explore my other general blog entries - such as "21 Things About Having Dreadlocks," where you will find pictures displaying dreadlocks worn by all peoples of all ethnicities. Hope that helps! <3 Shade

  5. Hi .. Im hazel from Philippines .. I have a really curly hair im on my 3rd month since i joined dreading �� they r so frustrating and im losing hope because they r frizzy .. But when i saw ur blog .. U gave my hope back u encouraged me not to comb out my dreadlocks �� thank u so much .. I just want to know what should i do with my new growing hair .. Like ive said my hair is so curly and frizzy .. And i want my dreads to be close to the scalp .. Should i flip it ? What should i do .. Thanks ���� lovetots ����

  6. Yes I love this website I just about gave up on my dreadies until I read this. I'm trying to find an updated and active blog where I can talk with other dread heads about their dreadies

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